WVBDC & Region 11 Am SD CH and Am SD Derby 2024

WVBDC & Region 11 Am SD CH and Am SD Derby 2024
2025 Region 11 Am SD Championship Winners: Ch. Battle Borne Bette, O/H Tom Griffin. RUCH Horizon's Bea, O/H Terry Erickson.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Minutes of the 2010-2011 Annual Meeting

Minutes  Region  11 Annual  Meeting  2010- 2011 Season
Saturday, June 19, 2010 / 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Hotel de Oro / Santa Nella, CA

Meeting Called To Order by President John Keel... Click below to read complete minutes of the meeting.

Roll Call of Clubs:
  1.       Pacific Coast Field Trial Club
  2.       Sacramento Bird Dog Club
  3.       Bay Area Bird Dog Club
  4.       Fresno Bird Dog Club
  5.       San Joaquin Valley English Setter Club
  6.       Oakdale Bird Dog Club
  7.       Santa Clara Valley Bird Dog Club
  8.       Northern California Bird Dog Club
  9.       Fat Toads Unlimited Field Trial Club
  10.       Antelope Valley Bird Dog Club
  11.       West Valley Bird Dog Club
  12.       Setter Springs Field Trial Club
  13.       Nevada Bird Dog Club
Not Present:
  1.       High Desert Brittany Club
2010 Dues paid by all club except for High Desert Brittany Club.  Follow up will occur.
2009 Annual Meeting Minutes were approved by voice vote.
President’s Report – John Keel:
President Keel expressed satisfaction with the Region’s activities over the past year.  He felt the number of entries for the Region, particularly some of the Region championships, were down somewhat.  He noted that the Region did not suffer financially this year because of the willingness of many individuals who judged the Region championships without charging for their expenses, and the many other individuals who volunteered in a variety of ways and who did not request reimbursement for their contributions.
John Keel thanked and complimented Mike Spies for his work on a Region 11 website.  John demonstrated the site (http://aftca-region-11.blogspot.com)  from his laptop computer.  Mike agreed to continue to add additional information as it was provided to him.
Sec./Treas. Report – Tom Griffin:
The Region’s checking account balances totalled $16,407.11 as of June 19, 2010, with all expenses, including the annual meeting expenses, having been paid.  This represented an improvement in the cash position of the Region on June 14, 2009 in the amount of $1,819.86.
The Region’s income for the 09-10 fiscal year was $11, 566.19, and expenses were $10,054.71, resulting in a net income of $1,511.48.  Tom commented this was possible only because of the generosity of the many people who judged, reported, and otherwise helped out, who did not request reimbursement.  He noted it was unclear as to whether the Region could continue to find satisfactory local judges to keep expenses down.
Tom noted the food costs for the Region trials were not exact, in that the Region was able to utilize provisions purchased for the Shooting Dog Championship for both the Walking Shooting Dog and All Age Championships.  The AAA and WDS trials each allocated $120 for food costs, which probably overstated the actual expense.
Tom noted that the Region’s only source of income is the club dues of $100, the per-dog assessment, which last year was lowered to $3 for stakes under one hour and $5 for championships, and the entry fees for the amateur championships and the two derby classics.  A review of the per-dog assessment shows that Oakdale and the Hal Meyer/Jerry Erickson group of clubs hosting of multiple non-championship events were important not only to the Region’s finances, but also very important in encouraging participation, developing dogs, and promoting the sport.
Further issues regarding entry fees for Region trials was deferred to new business.
It was moved to accept the Secretary/Treasurer report as written and presented, and the motion passed by voice vote.

Trustee’s Report---Torben Hansen:
The AFTCA Trustee’s meeting was held in Valdosta, George, on June 4, 2010.  Janice Gregory was selected as the new AFTCA Secretary to replace the retiring Linda Hunt.  She is supposed to start in January 2011, but Linda Hunt will travel with her for the balance of the field trial season.
There has been some change in AFTCA sponsors.  Purina is on board for another year, but may be pulling back the level of its support.  There is some question as to whether Pro Bass will continue as a sponsor.  If they do not, there will be an effort to enlist support from Cabelas.  Wild Life Materials has dropped its sponsorship, but it either is, or is likely, to be replaced by Garman.

The Twentieth Century Fund:
Torben noted there were no applications to The Twentieth Century Fund from Region 11.  Tom handed out applications for the Twentieth Century Fund and explained that a club or individual’s request for a grant has to be consistent with the nonprofit status of the AFTCA and the Twentieth Century Fund.  Grants have to be phrased in such a way that it does not appear that will result in increased property value for the land owner.  Instead, grant requests should be phrased in the nature of improving habitat or encouraging knowledge and participation in the activity of field trialing.
Torben stated that although AFTCA was financially strong, they typically lose money on the national events and thus were considering a national per-dog assessment to cover these expenses.  Although no vote was taken, it was apparent from the discussion that Region 11 member clubs would not support such a development.

Other Business: 
Revenue Discussion:
Debate was had as to whether the existing fee for Region 11 championships and derbies resulted in fewer entries versus how the Region could continue to have sufficient reserves if entry fees were lowered, given the fact that for the past several years the Region’s savings steadily declined from approximately $24,000 to a low of approximately $14,000 in June ‘09.  The upshot of the discussion was to lower entry fees, even at the risk of suffering a financial loss in the coming year.  Jan Corbett moved that the ASD and AAA championship fees be set at $100, to derbies at $50, and the WSD championship at $80.  Sheldon Twer seconded the motion and the motion passed on the roll call vote, eleven in favor, three opposed, and one abstaining.  A follow up motion that entries fees for the championships be set at $125 with derbies at $50 failed to get a second.
Given the reduction in entry fees, it was suggested that the gift certificates which have been given to the winners and runners up as awards be discontinued, and that the winners receive a plaque, preferably one in which a photograph can be placed.  The ensuing discussion appeared to support the idea.  This was presented as a motion, which passed on a voice vote.
US Complete Events:
Mike Spies indicated that the Region would be entitled to another US Complete Championship this year, and expressed his appreciation to those clubs holding USC Walking Shooting Dog Stakes.  There was a discussion of the fact that when such stakes are held the sponsor club must submit a per-dog assessment to both Region 11 and US Complete Organization.  Jim Wolthuis brought up the importance of consistent bird planning in the foot handling trials.
Oregon Shooting Dog Schedule:
Jeff Gilbertson noted he received several communications from Todd Schaaf regarding advancing the start date of trials held at Brooks Ranch in the spring (California Quail Championship, San Joaquin Shooting Dog Championship, and typically a Region 11 championship) to reduce the conflict between the end of the trials and the Oregon championships.  Jeff explained that due to the timing of the National and the number of days it takes to run these events it was not possible to start his trial a week early.  The consensus was that to the extent we can accommodate the Oregon club, we should.  To the extent we cannot, we cannot.  Jeff Gilbertson concluded the discussion noting that the requested start date of February 28th was simply not feasible.
Torben Hansen shared his communications with Bernie Matthys regarding the withholding of a derby placement because the dog whose placement was ultimately withheld had mistakenly been left out of the initial drawing and was added to the final brace after the drawing had been concluded when Torben recognized the situation.  The upshot of the discussion was that once the drawing was over there can be no change in the running order or any addition of dogs without running the risk that the results will be challenged.  
Hal’s Issues:
Jan Corbett introduced correspondence from Dr. Meyers, who could not be present at the meeting, dealing with perennial issues of promptly getting the information necessary for the essential data forms on the winners to the field trial secretary, running overage derbies, and what we need to be doing as individuals and as clubs to increase participation.   Trialers were encouraged to have copies of the registration information on their dogs in their vehicles so that in the event their dog is placed they can simply leave a registration certificate with the field trial secretary.  A sheet was handed out showing how the cutoff dates for derbies born before January 1st versus after January 1st are calculated.  Lastly, there was a suggestion that if those with more experience were a little less critical and dismissive of newcomers and their dogs and a little more open and encouraging, it could only help.  It was also recognized that although the support for walking stakes has not been as successful as hoped in bringing in new people, it is still an important way for a wider variety of pointing dog enthusiasts to participate.
Jerry Erickson discussed training on the grounds prior to trial and roading on the grounds during the trial.  The upshot of this discussion was that it was up to the field trial committee to make a decision on whether roading is to be permitted, and then make sure all the participants are aware of that decision.  There seemed to be no dispute that roading from a four-wheeler on the dirt roads adjoining a field trial venue was not a problem.  
2009-2010 SEASON AWARDS:
Sportsman of the Year was awarded to Lynn Stinson in recognition of his long time support of professional trainers, his success with his dogs, and most significantly, the development of Moonlight Ranch.  Dr. Hjerpe set forth the history of Lynn’s successes and multiple contributions.  It was noted that in a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable venues for horseback field trial stakes, Lynn Stinson’s generosity and vision in creating a destination field trial facility was an extraordinary gift to the West Coast Field Trial community.  It was acknowledged by all present that this award could not begin to acknowledge the extent of Lynn’s contributions.
High-Point Awards:
High-Point All Age Dog of the Year
Owner/Handler:   Sean Kelly
Kelly’s Talk’N Smak
High-Point All Age Derby Dog of the Year
Owner/Handler:  Paul Wells
Charlie Hjerpe noted that the summary of stakes for All Age Derby Dog of the Year neglected to include the Region 11 Derby Stake held at Moonlight Ranch.  The winning dog was Nard Bailey’s No Doubt About It.  Second was Charlie Hjerpe’s Sand Creek Max, and third was Bill Owens’ Bronco Springs Trouble.  It was agreed that Mike Spies would add that trial to his list of trials for the year, so that the Region’s records would be complete.  It was further noted that the addition of the points from this trial did not change the top three placements in this category.
High-Point Shooting Dog of the Year
Owner/Handler:  Sean Kelly
Saddle Up Non-Believers
Sean was effusive in his praise and appreciation to his family, particularly his mother and daughter’s role in his continuing success in the field trial arena.
High-Point Shooting Dog Derby Dog of the Year
Owner/ Handler:  Paul Wells
Paul was rightfully proud of his two successful derbies and indicated he looked forward to bigger accomplishments with these two in the future.
High-Point Walking Shooting Dog of the Year
Owner/Handler:  Ron Shuman
Selection of Trial Dates:
Trial dates were selected in the usual fashion.  
Antelope Valley requested and was awarded Region 1l’s Amateur All Age Championship and the Amateur All Age Derby Classic to be held together at Sutter Spring Ranch.
The Pacific Coast Club and West Valley each put in a bid for the Amateur Shooting Dog Championship.  A vote was taken to determine the venue, which ended up with West Valley hosting the Shooting Dog Championship at the Moonlight Ranch.
The Oakdale Club agreed to host the Walking Shooting Dog Championship at Little Panoche.  
The Bay Area Bird Dog Club took on responsibility for the National Amateur Chucker Shooting Dog Championship in Reno to be held prior to their usual Western Open Championships.
Mike Spies noted he would post the schedule on the Region 11 website once a final schedule had been confirmed and prepared.  
After the dates had been selected there was a brief discussion regarding allocating funds for the improvements of the access to Moonlight Ranch.  Charlie Hjerpe described the problem and offered a suggestion as to what it would take to correct the problem.  There was concern expressed that assuming Ron Bader or Lynn Stinson would make the necessary investments of money and time to solve the problem showed a lack of appreciation for their work and accomplishments to date.  There was a suggestion that Region 11 offer to donate funds to undertake this work.  Torben Hansen responded that given the Region’s financial circumstances it would be preferable to have individual clubs and/or members donate money for those improvements.  Several individuals expressed support for this idea and their willingness to make a financial contribution.

Nomination of Officers:
John Keel and Jim Rose accepted nomination to continue as President and Vice President.
Tom Griffin asked if anyone would be willing to take over as Secretary/Treasurer of the Region for the 2010-2011 season.  No one stepped forward and Tom agreed to accept nomination for one more year, but indicated he would be disinclined to serve for the 2011-2012 season.  
Nominations were closed and the members voted unanimously for the nominees.
Region 11-AFTCA 2010-2011 Officers
President:  John Keel
Vice President:  Jim Rose
Sec./Treas:  Tom Griffin
Trustee:: Torben Hansen 
Meeting adjourned 

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