WVBDC & Region 11 Am SD CH and Am SD Derby 2024

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Region 11 2013-2014 Field Trial Schedule

* Denotes NFTCA National Championship Qualifier

August 17-18
Walnut Tree Classic - Open & Amateur Walking Stakes
Host: Oakdale Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Stadler Ranch, Oakdale, CA
Walking Shooting Dog - Starters: 9
Judges: Jim Wolthuis and Bob Tennant
1st - Sweet and Short Shorty, PM - Bernie Daviner O/H
2nd - Super Express Belle, PF - Bernie Daviner O/H
3rd - Super Express Coco, PF - (O) Mark Leadbetter, (H) Lynn Stinson
Walking Shooting Dog Derby - Starters: 7
Judges: Jim Wolthuis & Bob Tennant
1st - Sweet and Short Shorty, PM - Bernie Daviner O/H
2nd - Deceptions White Out, PM - Jeff Gilbertson O/H
3rd - Baylee's Go Girl, ESF - Lynn Stinson O/H

September 7-8
Open Horseback & Walking Stakes
Host: Fat Toads Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Mendota WLA, Mendota, CA
Open All Age - Starters: 6
Judges: Terry Erickson & Hal Meyer
1st - Far  West Gunslinger, PM - Mike Wilkin O/H
2nd - RJ Tennstar, PM - Ron Bader O/H
Open Derby (All Age Std's) - Starters: 6
Judges: Mike Wilkin & Brad Laverne
1st - Horizon's Rockin Rue, SF - Terry Erickson O/H
2nd - Over The Hill, ESM - Hal Meyer O/H
3rd - One Shot Wonder, PM - Caleb Juve O/H
Open Shooting Dog - Starters: 6
Judges: Caleb Juve & Brad Laverne
1st - Wildcovert Pitter Patter, PF - (O) Mark Leadbetter, (H) Sheldon Twer
2nd - Far West Gunslinger, PM - Mike Wilkin, O/H
Open Derby (Shooting Dog Std's) - Starters: 6
Judges: Terry Erickson & Hal Meyer
1st - Bruce Mtn Smokin Enzo, SM - (O) Ron & Suzanne Pecci, (H) Sheldon Twer
2nd - Bruce Mtn Smokin Breezeaway, ESF - (O) Ron & Suzanne Pecci, (H) Sheldon Twer
3rd - IB Dancing Queen, PF - Brad Laverne O/H

September 21-22
Open Stakes
Host: Sacramento Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Oroville WLA, Oroville, CA (Thermolito)
Open All Age - Starters: 13
Judges: Ron Shuman & Jeff Lostak
1st - Saddle Up Non Believers, PF - Sean Kelly O/H
2nd - IB Checkbook Annie, PF - Torben Hansen O/H
3rd - Kelly's American Idol, PF - Sean Kelly O/H
Open Derby (All Age Std's) - Starters: 5
Judges: Torben Hansen & Jared Tappero
1st - Kelly's Bulls Eye, PM - Sean Kelly O/H
2nd - Bader's Brat, ESM - Ron Bader O/H
Open Shooting Dog - Starters: 8
Judges: Rudy Difuntorum & Jared Tappero
1st - IB Checkbook Annie, PF - Torben Hansen O/H
2nd - Kelly's American Idol, PF - Sean Kelly O/H
3rd - Great Notion, ESM - Tom Griffin O/H
Open Derby (Shooting Dog Std's) - Starters: 6
Judges: Ron Shuman & Jeff Lostak
1st - Kelly's Flying Ace, PM - Sean Kelly O/H
2nd - Hillcrest Rocky, PM - Rudy Difuntorum O/H
3rd -Indian Head Outlaw, PF - Jared Tappero O/H

October 5-6
Open Stakes
Host: Nevada Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Red Rock, Reno, NV
Open All Age - Starters: 7
Judges: John Keel and Willie J. Stevens, Jr
1st - IB Iron Horse, PM - Torben Hansen O/H
2nd - Far West Gunslinger, PM - Mike Wilkin O/H
Walking Shooting Dog - Starters: 6
Judges: Nard Bailey and Willie J. Stevens, Jr.
1st - Rail City Ms. Gabby - W.J. Stevens, Jr. O/H
Open Derby (Shooting Dog Std's) - Starters: 6
Judges: Mike Wilkin and Mike Mathews
1st - Touch's Valedictorian, PF - Nard Bailey O/H
2nd - One Shot Wonder, PM - Caleb Juve O/H
3rd - Phantom Paige Turner, PF - John Keel O/H
Open Shooting Dog - Starters: 8
Judges: Caleb Juve and Willie J. Stevens, Jr
1st - Redrock Country Girl, PF - Mike Mathews O/H
2nd - Far West Ridge Runner, PM - Mike Wilkin O/H
3rd - IB Checkbook Annie, PF - Torben Hansen O/H
Open Derby (AA Std's) - Starters: 4
Judges: Doug Steinshouer and Mike Wilkin
1st - Touch's Valedictorian, PF - Nard Bailey O/H
2nd - Phantom Paige Turner, PF - John Keel O/H

October 11-13
Paul Brock Open Shooting Dog Classic
Region 11 Amateur All Age Derby Classic & Companion Stakes
Host: Northern California Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Oroville WLA, Oroville, CA (Thermolito)
Paul Brock Open Shooting Dog Classic - Starters: 30
Judges: John Keel, Oakdale, CA & Joe Gower, Newcastle, CA
1st - Indian Head Cabernet, PF - Jared Tappero O/H
2nd - IB Iron Horse, PM - Torben Hansen O/H
3rd - Stimulus Package, ESF - Tom Griffin O/H
Region 11 Amateur All Age Derby Classic - Starters: 14
Judges: Torben Hansen and Sheldon Twer
1st - Kelly's Flying Ace, PM - Sean Kelly O/H
2nd - Kelly's Bulls Eye, PM - Sean Kelly O/H
3rd - Hillcrest Rocky, PM - Rudy Difuntorum O/H
Open All Age - Starters: 14
Judges: John Keel & Jim Wolthuis
1st - IB Iron Horse, PM - Torben Hansen O/H
2nd - Zorra, ESF - (O) Hal Meyer, (H) Sheldon Twer
3rd - Kelly's Flying Ace, PM - Sean Kelly O/H
Open Derby (Shooting Dog Std's) - Was not run

October 25-27
*California Pheasant Championship and Open All Age Derby
Host: Sacramento Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Oroville WLA, Oroville, CA (Thermolito)
*California Pheasant Championship - Starters: 26
Judges: Tom Griffin, Watsonville, CA and John Keel, Oakdale, CA
Winner - Saddle Up Non Believers, PF - Sean Kelly O/H
Runner Up - No Limit Rebuy, PM - Jim Schultz O/H
Open All Age Derby - Starters: 6
Judges: JohnKeel and Jared Tappero
1st - Hillcrest Rocky, PM - Rudy Difuntorum O/H
2nd - Manteo's Bronx Bomber, PM - (O) Paul Falkowski, (H) Travis Gellhaus
3rd - Anna's J-Class, PF - (O) Anna King, (H) Travis Gellhaus

November 8-10 (Cancelled)
Gold Dust Shooting Dog Classic & A.M. Smith All Age Classic
Host: San Joaquin Valley English Setter Club & Pacific Coast FTC
Grounds: Seven Legends Ranch, Jamestown, CA

November 22 to Conclusion
*California Open & California Shooting Dog Championships
Host: Oakdale Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Copper Valley Ranch, Copperopolis, CA
*California Open Championship - Starters: 29
Judges: Terry Erickson, Laguna Hills, CA and Glenn Johnson, San Dimas, CA
Winner - Audubon Americus, ESM - (O) Mary McConnell, (H) Rich Robertson, Jr.
Runner Up - Zumbro Mollie Mae, PF - (O) Dale Windhorst, (H) Travis Gellhaus
California Shooting Dog Championship - Starters: 29
Judges: Hal Meyer, Kingsburg, CA and John Keel, Oakdale, CA
Winner - Heaven's Elhew Taggert, PM - (O) Dave Gates, (H) Joey Degross
Runner Up - Perfect Game, PM - (O) Jim Rose, (H) Sheldon Twer

December 6-8
*California Bird Dog Championship and Open All Age Derby
Host: Fresno Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Moonlight Ranch, Valley Springs, CA
Open All Age Derby - Starters:12
Judges: Ed Mayhew and Terry Erickson
1st - Waygoing Black, PM - Mike Stephens O/H
2nd - Over The Hill, ESM - Hal Meyer O/H
3rd - Rik's Rockin Blaze, ESM - (O) Jerry Erickson, (H) Sheldon Twer
*California Bird Dog Championship - Starters: 24
Judges: Rich Robertson, Jr., Payette, ID and Dr. Gary Cowell, Lancaster, MO
Winner - Saddle Up Non Believer's, PF - Sean Kelly O/H
Runner Up - Deception's Nite White, PM - (O) Jeff Gilbertson, (H) Sheldon Twer

December 13-15
*California Chukar Championship and Open All Age Derby
Host: Setter Springs Field Trial Club
Grounds: California City, CA
*California Chukar Championship - Starters: 26
Judges: Ed Dixon, Norco, CA and Bill Owen, Santa Barbara, CA
Winner - Hales Cool Hand Luke, PM - Bruce Hale O/H
Runner up - Far West Ridge Runner, PM - Mike Wilkin O/H
Open All Age Derby - Starters: 4
Judges: Bruce Hale and Ed Mayhew
1st - Tekoa Mountain Bulldog, ESM - Bill Owen O/H
2nd - Silverado's Hi Lite, PF - Glenn Johnson O/H

January 11-12
Region 11 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship & Companion Stakes
Host: Oakdale Bird Dog Club & Fresno Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Little Panoche WLA, Los Banos, CA
Region 11 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship - Starters: 6
Judges: Sheldon Twer, Oakdale, CA and Jim Wolthuis, Sacramento, CA
Winner - Wells Fargo Mollie, PF - Paul Wells O/H
Open Shooting Dog - Starters: 18
Judges: Carey Crum and Nick Nichol
1st - Stimulus Package, ESF - Tom Griffin O/H
2nd - Great Notion, ESM - Tom Griffin O/H
3rd - Wells Fargo Mollie, PF - Paul Wells O/H
Open Shooting Dog Derby - Starters: 10
Judges: Hal Meyer and Amy Hille
1st - Meg, PF - Jim Wolthuis O/H (registration pending)
2nd - Windjammers Double Down, PM (O) Terry Zygalinski, (H) Tom Griffin
3rd - Skydancer Blue Moon, ESM - Tom Griffin O/H

January 24-26
Pete Cunningham Puppy Classic
Region 11 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship
Open All Age Derby - time permitting
Host: West Valley Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Moonlight Ranch, Valley Springs, CA
Pete Cunningham Puppy Classic - Starters: 16
Judges: Ron Bader and Jan Corbitt, Escalon, CA
Winner - Tekoa Mountain Bulldog, ESM - Bill Owen O/H
Runner-up - Moon, ESF - Karen Boyd O/H (registration Pending)
Region 11 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship - Starters: 22
Judges: Vicky Lachance, Pleasant Grove, CA and Glenn Johnson, San Dimas, CA
Winner: Stimulus Package, ESF - Tom Griffin O/H
Runner-up: Great Notion, ESM - Tom Griffin O/H
Open All Age Derby - Starters: 11
Judges: Hal Meyer and Jeff Gilbertson
1st - Bader's Brat, ESM - Ron Bader O/H
2nd - Tekoa Mountain Bulldog, ESM - Bill Owen O/H
3rd - Skydancer Blue Moon, ESM - Tom Griffin O/H

February 7-10
Region 11 Amateur All Age Championship & Open Derby
Host: Antelope Valley Bird Dog Club
Grounds: California City, CA
Region 11 Amateur All Age Championship - Starters: 15
Judges: Joe Gower, Auburn, CA and Jim Sellett, Phoenix, AZ
Winner: Hale's Cool Hand Luke, PM - Bruce Hale O/H
Runner-up: No Limit Rebuy, PM - Jim Schultz O/H
Open Derby - Starters: 9
Judges: Ed Mayhew and Steve Rutkowski
1st - Phoenix Rascal Sparkle, PF - Dave Hayes O/H
2nd - Tekoa Mountain Bulldog, ESM - Bill Owen O/H
3rd - Silverado's Hi Lite, PF - Glenn Johnson O/H

March 1
West Coast Shooting Dog Championship

Region 11 Amateur Shooting Dog Derby Classic
Host: San Joaquin Valley English Setter Club
Grounds: Copper Valley Ranch, Copperopolis, CA

West Coast Shooting Dog Championship - Starters: 21
Judges: Sean Kelly, Loomis, CA and John McIltrot, Broadview, MT

Winner - Wells Fargo Mollie, PF - Paul Wells O/H
Runner-up - Waygoing Amy, PF - Mike Stephens O/H
Region 11 Amateur Shooting Dog Derby Classic - Starters: 8
Judges: Sheldon Twer, Oakdale, CA and John McIltrot, Broadview, MT
1st - Kelly's Bulls Eye, PM - Sean Kelly O/H
2nd - Kelly's Flying Ace, PM - Sean Kelly O/H
3rd - Waygoing Black, PM - Mike Stephens O/H

March 3

Jim Engle Derby Classic
*California Quail Championship
Host: Pacific Coast Field Trial Club
Grounds: Copper Valley Ranch, Copperopolis, CA
Jim Engle Derby Classic (1-hour) - Starters: 8
Judges: Dr. Hal Meyer, Kingsburg, CA and Karen Boyd, San Andreas, CA
1st - Touch's J Class, PF - (O) Chris Cagle, (H) Travis Gellhaus
2nd - Baylee's Go Girl, ESF - (O) Lynn Stinson, (H) Sheldon Twer
3rd - Manteo's Bronx Bomber, PM - (O) Paul Falkowski, (H) Travis Gellhaus
*California Quail Championship - Starters: 28
Judges: Tom Griffin, Watsonville, CA and John McIltrot, Broadview, MT
Winner - Southwind Jettsett Drifter, ESF - (O) Dave Anderson, (H) Travis Gellhaus
Runner Up - Rapidan, ESM - (O) Mary McConnell, (H) Rich Robertson

April 5
Open Stakes
Host: Fresno Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Red Dog Ranch, Raymond, CA
Open Shooting Dog - Starters: 8
Judges: Terry Erickson and Hal Meyer
1st - Cache Creek Red Zone, PF - Ron Shuman O/H
2nd - IB Maybe, PF - Ron Shuman O/H
3rd - Garner's Holding Aces - (O) Mike Garner (H) Sheldon Twer
Open Derby (All Age Std's) - Starters: 6
Judges: Terry Erickson and Sheldon Twer
1st - Bader's Brat, ESM - Ron Bader O/H
2nd - Clowd Cover, ESM - Hal Meyer O/H
3rd - IB Maybe, PF - Ron Shuman O/H

April 18
AFTCA National Amateur Chukar Shooting Dog Championship
Host: AFTCA and Bay Area Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Red Rock, Reno, NV
Judges: Rich Robertson, Jr., Payette, ID and Larry Huffman, Michigan City, MS
National Amateur Chukar Shooting Dog Championship - Starters 25
Winner - Blackhawk's Roxy Bistro, PF - Mike Wilkin O/H
Runner Up - Painted Nickel Mac, PM - Jim Ledington O/H

April 21 to Conclusion
*Western Open All Age Championship
Western Open Derby Classic
Western Open Shooting Dog Championship
Host: Bay Area Bird Dog Club
Grounds: Red Rock, Reno, NV
*Western Open All Age Championship - Starters: 28
Judges: Torben Hansen and Jarry Walton, Reno, NV
Winner - Riverton's Funseekin' Scooter, PM - (O) Gerald Hignite, (H) Rich Robertson
Runner Up - Saddle Up Non Believer's, PF - Sean Kelly O/H
Western Open Derby Classic - Starters: 12
Judges: Mike Geenan, Reno, NV and Jared Tappero, Greenville, CA
1st - Kelly's Bulls Eye, PM - Sean Kelly O/H
2nd - Highground Chieftain, ESM - (O) Kara & Charles Kunde, (H) Charles Kunde
3rd - Tekoa Mountain Bulldog, ESM - Bill Owen O/H
Western Open Shooting Dog Championship - Starters: 18
Judges: Jarry Walton, Reno, NV and Jared Tappero, Greenville, CA
Winner - Blackhawk's Roxy Bistro, PF - Mike Wilkin O/H
Runner Up - Great Notion, SM - Tom Griffin O/H

2012-2013 High Point Dogs of the Year

All Age Dog                           
1. Tucalota's Rubee - Ed Mayhew
2. IB Checkbook Annie - Torben Hansen
3. Super Express Protocol - Jim & Cami Wolthuis

All Age Derby Dog
1. IB Cal Tex - Ron Shuman & Jeff Lostak
2. Kelly's American Idol - Sean Kelly
3. Sand Creek Party Girl - Dr. C.A. Hjerpe

Shooting Dog
1. Saddle Up Non Believer's - Sean Kelly
2. Rikki's Rockin' On - Hal Meyer
3. Indian Head Cabernet - Jared Tappero

Shooting Dog Derby Dog
1. Bodacious No Doubt - Nard Bailey
2. Cache Creek Red Zone - Ron Shuman
    IB Cal Tex - Ron Shuman & Jeff Lostak

Walking Shooting Dog
1. Cache Creek Red Zone - Ron Shuman
2. Super Express Nash Begone - Jim & Cami Wolthuis
3. Lostak's Jedi - Jeff Lostak

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Region 11 Annual Meeting

The annual meeting will be held on June 29th at 9:30 a.m.  

The restaurant we have been using the last two years has gone out of business and we needed a new location.  Jeff Gilbertson generously offered to host the meeting at Diede Construction, Inc.  Their offices are located at 12393-H Highway 99, Lodi, California.  Jeff describes the location as the northwest corner of Hwy 99 at the Armstrong Road exit.  

The meeting will follow the usual format with selection of trial dates to occur at the conclusion of our usual business meeting.  The plan is to cater a lunch at his offices.  If anyone has any suggestions that they would like added to our agenda, please send them my way. - Tom Griffin (tngriffin@grunskylaw.com)

See you there!